Remembrance Sunday
The text for my sermon is from Ps 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble
Committed Christians over the centuries have paid an important role in our armed forces. They have prayed for their country and they have been leaders in the forefront of battle.
One such Christian was Lt. General Sir William Dobbie (known as Dobbie of Malta).
Dobbie was Governor General of Malta during the Second World War – at a time when the defence of Malta was at its darkest hour. The Italian forces had overwhelming superiority, both in numbers and firepower. Yet Malta never fell to the enemy – and for their courageous stand - the whole island was awarded the George Cross. Historians still cannot understand why the Italians did not take the island - given its strategic position for the convoys going to North Africa.
Dobbie realised the weakness of his position and that God alone was - in the words of Ps 46 - his “present help in trouble”. Ps 46:1 In his book entitled “A Very Present Help” Dobbie records his first “Special Order of the Day”, on the Island of Malta defining policy governing the defence of the island which read as follows: "The decision of His Majesty’s Government to fight until our enemies are defeated will have been heard with the greatest satisfaction by all ranks of the garrison of Malta.
It may be that hard times lie ahead of us, but however hard they may be, I know that the courage and determination of all ranks will not falter and that with God’s help we will maintain the security of this fortress, I therefore call upon all officers and other ranks humbly to seek God’s help and then in reliance upon Him to do their duty unflinchingly.”
Those were the words of a Christian General engaged in the height of the Second World War not an armchair theologian remote in his ivory tower. His Christian faith was a reality when under fire.
He looked to God for strength in the tasks that he had to do. Although Dobbie survived Malta, the war took its toll and he was invalided home in 1944.
Sadly, we take the sacrifice of the many men and women who served in the Forces for granted.
We too easily forget the price they paid for the peace and freedom we enjoy today. I think Remembrance Sunday is one of the most important services in the Christian year – a time when we stop to “remember them” Remembrance Sunday is not just a reminder of those who died in the First and Second World Wars - important as they were. It is also a reminder of other conflicts that our armed services have been in The Korean War, The Aden and Malayan Emergencies, The Falkland War, The Cyprus Conflict, The troubles here in Northern Ireland, The 1st and 2nd Gulf Wars, The Afghanistan and Iraq Conflicts.
The ability to remember is a wonderful gift that God has given to mankind. Some of our memories are happy and we can recall wonderful experiences. But some of our memories are sad and we may
weep as we remember them. Today is a day when we say “Thank you” to all those who made the sacrifice that we can stand here today in peace and freedom. But we must not forget those who are still suffering as a result of these wars. As we stand in church today, these thoughts of sacrifice should bring us back to the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for us all on the battlefield of Calvary.
St. John put it well when he said: Greater love has no one than this, that one lays down his life for his friends (John 15:13) Jesus gave his life not only for his friends but also for his enemies. As God, Jesus had no need to experience human suffering but he did for all our sakes. Man’s evil –that’s basically what we call sin – has separated us from God. Jesus died to reconcile us to God, by dying in our place – the Perfect One for imperfect creatures. Jesus reconciled man to God, through dying on the Cross. This reconciliation is a gift that we can receive simply by asking Christ to come into our lives.
As the apostle John put it: “But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.” (John 1:12) The former Bishop of Birmingham, Bishop J L Wilson, who was a Japanese prisoner of war in the Second War, recommended three thoughts for us all to carry in our hearts on Remembrance Sunday. These are:
1. That we should be thankful for the sacrifice of others
2. That we should be dedicated to work for peace and justice in the world
3. That we should be sorry for human sin and evil.
May I end by reminding you that it was the philosopher and poet George Santayana who once said
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Let us be a generation who can learn from the past – from the sufferings of war – and be a people who will continue to pray and fight for peace and justice.